what if Dudley was to come part of harry's world pt 1

Chapter 1: Back to Privet drive

Harry got in from a long day at work to Number 12, Grimmauld Place. The portrait of Sirius mother still hung in the hall, but she had long since given up on screaming about the mud blood and filth in her home, the portrait now stood empty with nothing but a black background.
Harry sometimes wondered where she had gone.
Kreacher came running to greet him taking his coat and hat. "Master's butterbeer is on the table, and the Mistress is in the kitchen helping Kreacher with dinner."

Harry  kick his shoes off at the door "Ginny, love, I'm home"
He was in a good mood, Harry could hear Albus telling Ginny all about his day, he was so excited, and talking so quickly he wondered how Ginny was even able to understand any of it.
Harry moved just behind Ginny, kissing her on the top of her head,
ginny turned to Harry and kissed him full on the lips
Wow ginny you have missed me
Ginny turned to Albus and said can you go upstairs I need to tell your Dad about something
Albus smiled and said ok I love you mum
and left the kitchen.

Ginny called for Kreacher and with a crack, he was in the kitchen.
Ginny spoke quietly, and quickly "Kreacher, I need you to go upstairs, keep an eye on the children. I need to talk to Harry, and I can't have them interrupting just now, do you understand?"
"Oh yes Mistress " Ginny cringed visibly at this
"Kreacher, will I ever get you to call me Ginny"
Kreacher bowed his long angler nose almost touching the floor "Yes Mistress Ginny"
And with a loud crack, he was gone. Ginny rolled her eyes and sighed. Harry had taken a seat to her left, his face full of concern. Harry was surprised because the mood changed so quickly.
"Ginny, what is it?" Harry began, but Ginny smiled sweetly at him like she always did.
There was a concern in her eyes. Her eyes fluttered to her handbag, reaching for it, she pulled out an envelope that was twice the size of the bag itself. Harry smiled when he saw it. It was the letter from Hogwarts, Albus would be entering his first year, and Harry was overwhelmed with pride.
Ginny began to speak and her tone sound  like she did not want to  be interrupted "Minerva came by today to drop off the Hogwarts letters."
Minerva McGonagall was now the Headmistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Ginny's eyes had a look of seriousness, Harry knew that look. "What's up?".
"We got letters for James and Al, but Harry…. there was a third letter that Minerva thought best if she brought here."
She slid the folded piece of parchment, address up toward him on the table.
Harry looked down at it, the same green ink, written in Minerva's hand. It read
Oliver Dursley
4 Privet Dr.
Little Whinging,
Harry took in a deep breath, Ginny slid her long, thin-fingered hand over his, and squeezed lightly "I know," She whispered.
Harry stared at the letters trying to will them to change, knowing that they wouldn't. "Dudley will never allow this."
Ginny simply nodded "And Petunia?" Harry sighed, closing his eyes. He hated to think what his Aunt would do to Oliver. Thinking back at all the pet names that his aunt had, had for Dudley while they were growing up. Harry hated to think what she would now call Oliver when no one was around.
the next morning harry decided to take the letter to Dudley and let him know and be quick and to the point.  
Harry knew that he could not just send this letter, there could be no owls, no surprises if there could only be a way that he could get Dudley to come here.
Harry looked at Ginny "Do you think that Dudley would come here for dinner. He may not bring kids, but if we could get his wife Hazel   on board."
Harry laid the letter back on the table,
Ginny went to the stove to start a kettle for tea, in seconds the whistle was blowing, she brought Harry a cup of tea. "
He pulled out a chair and sat down, worried just what his wife had in mind
" what you do is phone him up and say you want to talk to say something like it be nice to have a catch up as we not seen them since Christmas and the kids would love to see them all."
so harry went to the call box at the end of the road and called his cousin to his surprise Dudley said he love to see him and it would be nice to see the kids too.
the sun was shining brightly in the afternoon sky as Harry made his way through Little Whinging. His thoughts going back to the many times he had made escapes from this very same place.
As they passed the park that Harry used to hang out in, he thought about the Dementors and Dudley getting sick after the attack. A few Moments later they drove past the place where his Godfather, Sirius had first appeared to him in the form of a dog.
Harry was pulled out of his past, when is his youngest son Albus said. "Dad, did you really grow up here? This place is…" it's like if no one really lives here?"
Harry laughed out loud "Yes Albus I did indeed grow up here"  
Albus sighed and stared out the window,
"How come we didn't use the Floo powder to get here,
Harry's memory went to the night that Arthur and the twins had tried to use the fireplace in the Dursley's house. Not only did Arthur shock Uncle Vernon by travelling via the Floo network, but destroyed the living room trying to get out of the fireplace that was sealed up.
Harry turned to Albus and said, "because we going to a muggle household who don't travel that way and we would be breaking the law if we did." we have to be like them today as I got something very important I need to talk to Dudley about
Ten mins later They pulled up to number 4 Privet Drive,
"Albus, today we have to act like muggles, remember?
but they are not like us.
Albus nodded and recited "I can't talk about magic, Quidditch, Hogwarts or anything else… but what are we going to talk about?"
Albus was eleven going on forty, he had such a seriousness about him. Albus was a mirror image of Harry,
Harry looked at the house, he could see a someone peering through the curtains. Harry turned to look at his son, " Albus, we have to be nice and only talk about what muggles talk about. Like the weather, or football.

"football is stupid, they don't fly or anything, and who talks about the weather. pouted, Albus with a sudden thought he said
Dad! Grandpa wants me to ask how they make those people move on the vid-toe games! Can I ask that?" NO! Al just play it by ear ok
Harry undid his seatbelt, "Your mum wants me to invite them for dinner this summer, and there something big I need to talk to them about to just try and kid your cousin out the way so I can talk to his mum and dad ok.
As they walked up the footpath Harry smiled at the garden knowing that Aunt Petunia would have a fit seeing the few weeds in the flower beds He rang the doorbell and waited, the door opened and Harry was standing face to face with Dudley
“Hello Harry come on in,” said Dudley cheerfully
Dudley stepped back to allow Harry and Albus in, walking into the front room Harry saw, Dudley's wife Hazle A petite woman with shoulder-length mousy brown hair sat on the sofa, huddled up beside her,  was a boy close to Albus' age. The boy reminded Harry of Dudley all those years ago, next to him sat a little girl about the age of two years old she had red hair and bright green eyes.
The young boy looked a lot like his mother with his small frame.
but he had  Dudley's blond hair,
Dudley sat in what was once Uncle Vernon's chair, he smiled at Albus and said you remember you  my wife Hazel and our son Oliver and our daughter,  Amaryllis
harry raised his eyebrows slightly he still could get used to Dudley's  daughter's name but he knew that Amaryllis was a type of Lilly
Dudley said you can guess who had a hand in naming her
Harry smile yes it just something his auntie would want was to name her granddaughter something fancy.
Harry wondered if  his auntie had purposely given her granddaughter the same has her sister or not

Harry sat in one of the other chairs "Nice to see you all  again turning to Dudley's children Harry said
this is my son, Albus, looking at Oliver and said  I think you guys are close to the same age."
Albus gave Oliver a big smile, 'Wanna go play?"
the boys headed outside. Harry sat back and looked around, the portrait of Uncle Vernon hung over the fireplace. Dudley saw where he was looking, "Dad has been gone for three years now. Mum sold me the house and moved to a small bungalow a few roads from here. her legs are not what they were.
Dudley still looked at the painting said
"As I get older the more I miss him,"
"Dudley, you look great!" Harry exclaimed, trying to steer the conversation away from his uncle even just look at the portrait of him made Harry feel uneasy  "How much weight have you lost?
Dudley couldn't help but smile, "The weight loss is thanks to Hazel, She told me when she got pregnant with  Amaryllis  that she wouldn't have an unhealthy food in the house as the smell of the chip pan was making her feel ill in fact all cook oils made her feel  queasy  Dudley smiled fondly at his wife.
Hazel returned the smile and then looked to Harry, " So where are your wife and your other two children, Harry.
"Ginny is good, so is Lily. Lily is at that age of trying to get into everything and, James is at his grandmother's  he then stop what he was about to say

Dudley frowned, "Harry, I'm not my parents. I didn't understand your kind and still don't, but Oliver and Amaryllis are my children and Hazel wants them to know all their family."  so I am not going to keep my children from knowing Mum's side of the family. Just don't be teaching them any  of the boogie Woogie junk."
Hazel burst out laughing, "Dudley Dursley that is the funniest way to explain Hogwarts I have yet to hear from you!
The shocked look on Harry's face made Dudley laugh, "Look, Harry, I'm just doing what I can to make sure our families know each other. You can say magic or Hogwarts and even hocus pocus. but how do you know about Hogwarts ask Harry looking at Hazel
"Well I also have magic in my family too but I am a squib never got to go to Hogwarts but then if I had of done I would never have met my handsome husband we went to the same college and was in the same class, and there was just something about him he looked lost and one day we got talking and he told me all bout you and what happened and I told him all about me and that as they say is History.
harry looked at Dudley and said  
but I have to admit, I never thought Hogwarts would be mentioned in this house without someone being sent to the cupboard under the stairs."
Hazel stood up and laughed, "The day is still young! Now you two catch up and I will go make some tea." she placed her daughter in the playpen and went to the kitchen.

Oliver ran to the swing in the garden, "I WON!"
Albus caught up, "But you didn't say we were racing!" Albus accused.
Both boys sat on a swing each  Oliver looked at Albus. " At Hogwa…. I can't tell you about that."
"What? You can tell me, I won't say anything… swear!" Oliver held up a hand as if that proved he wouldn't utter a word.
Albus pushed some dirt around, with his feet trying to decide if he should trust his new cousin. "Well, if you really swear we could do an unbreakable vow," Albus looked unsure, "but I don't really know how."
Oliver sat up straight, "I bet we just shake hands, and both swear we won't tell what we say out here!" Oliver said
Albus shook his head, "No, it's more than that, you need a wand and everything to make it real."
"A wand? Like witches or a magician?"
Albus looked surprised, "You know about witches? Dad said you didn't!"
Oliver looked confused, "Course I know, I heard mum and dad talking about just before you turned up do you want to go up to my room and watch TV
"What's TV?"
Oliver busted up laughing, "Ok that was funny, everyone knows what TV is!"
Albus started laughing just so Oliver wouldn't know that he really didn't know what TV was. "Hey, my grandpa wants me to ask you how you play vid-toe games? Do you have one?"
Oliver started laughing, "You are really funny!" Oliver thought his  cousin was just joking, "I got the new racing game, want to go play it?"
can we just stay out here for a bit said Al ok said Oliver so tell me more about your name?
"Well, I got named after the greatest headmaster Hogwarts had ever had. My middle name is Severus, and he was another headmaster! This year I turn eleven so I get to go to Hogwarts, and I can see their portraits! Course I already know what Professor Dumbledore looked like because he is on Wizard cards!"
Oliver looking awestruck at Albus, "wow so like you can do real magic and everything
Oliver leant in just a bit, "Do you have powers?"
Albus did a very small nod, "Not much, mostly when I get mad, or when I get frustrated with stuff."
Oliver bit his lip, "I do that too… but you can't tell anyone… remember we swore!" Oliver looked around making sure they were still alone. "When I get mad, or really excited I can make things happen. Nothing bad but things just happen."
He looked to the house and back to Albus, "Just last week, there was a new game that came out. I really wanted it, and my Mum would buy it."
Oliver leant in, "Mum got really mad, and told me we're just going to leave and not even get the toy that she had already said I could have!"
Oliver took a deep breath, "I was really mad and when we got to the car it had a flat tire."
Albus didn't look as impressed as Oliver thought he should, "Don't you see. I thought let the tires to be flat so we couldn't leave."
Albus looked a bit more convinced, "Well, maybe… but you better say nothing, my dad says your dad doesn't like our kind."
Oliver put a hand to his stomach, feeling a little queasy, he didn't want to believe he may be something that his father wouldn't like. Oliver's Mum came to the back door calling them for dinner, the boys stood up to dust the dirt off. The smelled dinner filtered out to them, Oliver rubbed his stomach again and thought maybe he was just queasy because he was hungry. He shrugged, running inside quickly, leaving the feeling of the dread outside.
The rest of the visit was spent together, leaving no more time for the boys to talk. has they was about to leave Harry turned to Dudley and said " maybe you could come to us for dinner soon "
Haze smiled and said we love too.
Harry sat in the car looking at the letter for Oliver why had he not given it to him he just did know maybe he be stronger with Ginny at his side.
On the way home, Harry and Albus were discussing what Quidditch team would make it to the World Cup, but Harry could see his son was preoccupied. "So what did you talk about with your  cousins?"
Albus jumped, "What? Why did you ask that?"
Harry cocked an eyebrow at him, "Albus…
Albus didn't want to lie to his father, but he had sworn, and that meant he couldn't say. "Well, he talked about my name and I told him about Professor Dumbledore. That was ok wasn't it?"
Harry knew Albus wasn't telling him everything and dreaded hearing what was really said:  "Yes, telling him that was ok."
"Dad,,, what is TV?" Albus asked.
Harry laughed, "Something that drains the brain." As soon as the words came out Harry regretted them, all colour drained from Albus' face.
"Not really, son, I'm sorry… I forget how little you guys know of the Muggle world. A TV is just a box that shows programs that are a  system for converting visual images  into electrical signals, transmitting them by radio or other means, and displaying them electronically on a screen
"Like a portrait?" Albus asked.
"Not exactly, it shows many different things, You can change the channel to see other things."
Albus was awestruck, "Wow…. why don't we have one of those?"
Harry smiled, "Because.... do you know I don't know maybe we should ask your mum if we can have one Harry answered.

A few hours later they got home to Number 12, Grimmauld Place.Kreacher came running to greet them, taking their coats and hats. "Master's butterbeer is on the table, and the Mistress is in the kitchen helping Kreacher with dinner."
Harry watched as Kreacher led Albus to the kitchen, "You mother has missed you, young master!"
Harry was always amazed at how much Kreacher had changed throughout the years As Kreacher was taking Albus in to see Ginny, Harry kicked his shoes off at the door "Ginny, love, we're home"

. He was in a good mood, the visit with Dudley and Hazel's went better that he could have hoped, and because of that, sunshine seemed to radiate from the inside of him. Harry could hear Albus telling Ginny all about his day with his cousin Oliver, he was so excited, Harry moved just behind Ginny, kissing her on the top of her head, it was a small gesture, but it was so full of love hey if you're going to kiss me at least kiss me on my lips ginny then planted a big kiss on harry mouth that's better.
how-how did it really go and what did Duddley say about the letter?
Harry looked at the floor and took the letter out of his back pocket oh Harry why didn't you give him the letter? I just could not do it
Harry James potter do I have to do everything.
you're just going to have to call him up and invite them all here.Harry took in a deep breath, Ginny slid her long, thin-fingered hand over his, and squeezed lightly "I know," She whispered. but we got to tell them.Harry stared at the letters trying to will them to change, knowing that they wouldn't. "Dudley will never allow this."
Ginny simply nodded "And Petunia?" Harry sighed, closing his eyes. He hated to think what his Aunt would do to Oliver.Thinking back at all the pet names that his aunt had, had for Dudley while they were growing up. Harry hated to think what she would now call Oliver when no one was around. Hazel called Oliver, Ollie, and that was cute, but lord only knew what would happen now.

Harry looked at Ginny "Do you think that Dudley would come here for dinner. He may not bring Oliver, but if we could get Hazel on board."
Harry laid the letter back on the table, but she a squib so is guessing they not worried if the kids will be witches or wizards Ginny turned to Harry and said she a what? she brought Harry a cup of tea. "Sit down, and I will fill you in," said Harry

 Hazel's grandmother was a witch. It was never talked about outside the family. When she met Dudley, and he talked about me, she knew she could tell him the truth,
neither her mother nor she had powers.

Ginny sat in a shocked silence, "I'm lost…  Dudley told Hazel about us, so
"Honey, she has been locked away from our kind all her life. When she asked questions, she was told that it didn't matter, because it didn't have anything to do with them. She grew up knowing, but not knowing, can you see how confusing that was for her? Then she marries a man that knows about us too and wants to talk to him.
Once again, only to be told that it is bad."
Harry twisted his cup in his hands, But, what do we do now?"
