what if dudley become part of harry's world pt 2

part 2

The next day Harry headed off to work, thinking of one thing… he wanted Ron and Hermione in his office so he could let them know what was going on

As soon as Harry got into his department, he waved to Ron to follow him to his office.

"What's up "
Harry sat down, "Is the real boss here today?"

Ron got a confused look, "You mean Shacklebolt? Yeah, I think he's here?"

Harry started laughing, "I mean Hermione!"

Ron cocked an eyebrow, "Just because my sister is your boss, doesn't mean Hermione is mine!"

"Really?" came an all too familiar voice from behind them.

Ron jumped at the sound of his wife's voice, "Oh Hi, didn't know you were there?"

Hermione smirked, "Obviously…" She sat in the chair across from Harry's desk, "What's up to Harry? Ginny sent me an owl, and said you want to talk"

Harry, couldn't but help smile he loved how well Ginny knew him. Harry told them the what had happened.

Harry spoke in a harsh, but a hushed whisper told them what had happened and what they were going to do finished with this is bad really bad
Ron and Hermione look at each other like Harry had truly lost his mind this time.
but I thought we worked out that the reason you had all that trouble was because of the Horcrux it sort made your aunt and uncle act that way with you.
Harry thumped the desk and said but .....
Ron leant forward, "calm down mate. I think you might be worrying a little too much about this." Ron's brows came together
Hermione opened her mouth to say something, but before she could Harry looked at Ron and said three words…

"Ton-Tongue Toffees…."

Ron burst out laughing, drawing the attention of the other Aurors. Hermione got up, and slowly closed harry's office door.

Hermione joined Ron in her chair beside him, it may not just be that and after they spend that time in hiding they got to like our ways did they not? and
Harry, that was so long ago, I am sure that Dudley couldn't possibly hold that against you."

, "We are talking about the Dursleys!" He slammed his hand on his desk again, "Damn it, it feels like I am a kid again, worried about that family! I refuse to let Oliver go through that!"
Hermione got up well I got paperwork to fill out so if you don't mind I got get on she got up and left harry office closing the door behind her.
turning his attention to Ron once again. But Ron beat him to words. "Look, mate, I see your point, and I see hers. Question is, what are you planning?" That Ron I don't know right now but we got get Dudley on side or goodness knows what will happen
Ron leant into the desk and whispered. "Whatever you need, I'm with you." With that, Ron got up quickly and left Harry's office.

Harry knew Hermione was right, in a way; he couldn't let his idea of the Dursley family get in the way of Oliver, or Oliver going to Hogwarts. To Harry, Hogwarts was his sanctuary, even with all the trials he went through. That is why he fought with his life to protect it. But if Dudley allowed Oliver to go, Harry didn't want it to have to be just a safe place for Oliver, but like him, he wanted it to be a fun place for Oliver. Harry used his right hand to rub his temple, letting his eyes shut for a long moment. For now, he would put it out of mind, and go about his day. Harry sighed maybe Ginny would think of a way to sort this all out.

Ginny sat staring at the mobile phone that Hermione had given her use, it was used for Ginny to keep in touch with muggles
. She spun it in small slow circles, knowing that this call would not only change the life of the Dursleys, but it would change the life of the Potters as well.

"Ginevra Molly  Potter, pull yourself together," she said to herself just like her mother would
She snapped the mobile off the table and opened it. And looked up  Hazel's number and she rang it.
"Hello,  Hazel's voice sounded happy and truly sincere.
Ginny paused not knowing how to begin. "Hello, Are you there?" She sounded a little worried, so Ginny cleared her throat.
" Hazel,"
Yes this is she
Another pause
Hi, I'm Harry Potter's wife Ginny and ...
"we have a letter here" Another pause
but this time  Hazel took the lead.
"A letter? There? For me?"
Ginny cleared her throat a final time and began again. "No, not for you  Hazel…. for Oliver."

Now it was  Hazel's turn for silence, and Ginny sat waiting, allowing just what the letter meant to sink in.
When  Hazel finally did speak it was almost a whisper. "Who would be writing to my Ollie and sending it to you?"

There was no way that Ginny could get around this any longer. "Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."
"No Ginny, there has to be a mistake."
"No mistake, the headmistress, herself, brought it here. Any thoughts on how you will tell Dudley?"
Ginny heard a chair scrape the floor and then  Hazel sighed, "Ginny, I how am I supposed to tell him this?"
"You don't do it alone, you and Dudley come to dinner tomorrow night tell him that we are returning the hospitality, so it would be rude to turn me down. Didn't you say that Dudley was raised to follow social etiquette?" Ginny asked.
Hazel gave a nervous laugh, "Yes, his parents always wanted to keep up with the neighbours. Always wanted to prove they were just as good, or better."
Hazel gave a sharp intake of air, "Oh my lord, Ginny! What about Petunia? Good Lord, she will disown Ollie!" cried  Hazel.

" Hazel, one problem at a time. Let's get Dudley onboard, then we deal with everything else."
Several minutes and reassurances later, the call ended and Ginny called Kreacher to get his help to begin party plans.
Ron and Hermione had arrived that after work morning so Hermione could help Ginny get everything finished off. Harry was pretty sure Hermione was there more for moral support, he knew Ginny wasn't any more confident of the outcome than he was.

James, Al, and Hugo were all upstairs playing, Ginny thought it best to send Lily her mums for the night To make sure she wouldn't be upset at missing a party, Ginny had asked Hermione to leave Rose with Lily. With Rose being eleven and Lily only nine, she idealised her cousin.

Harry stood at the bottom of the stairs calling up, "Boys, come down here please!"

All three boys ran down the stairs and filed into the front room. James was the first to speak up. "It was Al, Dad, he didn't have to eat it just because  I dared him too !"

Harry looked to James, then to Al, Al had a green look to him. "Did you eat a puking pastel?"

Al nodded, "I had too, it was a dare!" Albus exclaimed, then he gave James a dirty look, "But James wouldn't give me the purple side!"

Harry sighed, "Is the mess cleaned up yet?"

Hugo spoke up hoping to get James out of trouble, "Yes, Uncle Harry… Kreacher cleaned it up

Hugo was just nine and did his best to stand as tall as James,
"Good," Harry nodded, "now boys, we need to talk. We are having company, so, no Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes jokes." He looked to Hugo, "Your Mum and Dad are staying, so the same rules go for you too."

Hugo nodded very seriously,
Ron came in the room just at that moment  " Hey Harry, what are you doing about Kreacher?"

"Kreacher is going to your Mum's after dinner is set up," Harry said.
Al said, "Is Oliver coming too?"
yes he is said, Harry 

Albus puffed up with pride, "Oliver was nice, I think it's cool he gets to go to Hogwarts! He knows he is different! He told me!"

Harry did a double take, "He what?"

Al covered his mouth, "Nothing…. I swore… I can't say!"

Harry gave Ron a knowing look, "It's ok Al, there's no need to break your word. Ok, you guys know the rules for the night! They will be here in about an hour.

The boys were headed up the stairs while Ron and Harry smiled at each other. James' voice carried back to them, "We can give him a gift a tonne tongue toffee!"

Ron and Harry could be heard throughout the house, "NNOOOOOOO!"
