Afterlife for Wizards

Part One - Welcome to the Veil
June 30th, 1997

The veil was different on this side; it was more of a portal. Sirius was the only one that knew what it looked like from, what he referred to as his wasted existence. On that side, it was a simple archway that sat on a dais in the Department of Mysteries, deep in the bowels of the Ministry of Magic. The stone itself was much the same on this side, but from the other side, there was a billowing curtain where you could hear the voices of the dead calling to you. This was one of many portals, but no two the same. From what Sirius had leaned, this one portal linked to the dais in the department of mysteries was dark magic at its best. The only portal that existed in physical form.
Many wizards have tried to understand death, to elude it, one which came close to connecting the two worlds. That was when the dais was taken and hidden from sight. This same dais was where Sirius had been hit with the killing curse by Bellatrix. If he hadn't been standing at the veil, he would have just collapsed dead where he stood, but as it was, he just as he fell through the veil and landed here.
Memories of that day flooded his mind, it had been to Sirius' great astonishment, that as soon as he crossed the barrier he was greeted by a short, pudgy, balding man. The man stood at a podium that held one of the thickest books Sirius had ever laid eyes on.
Sirius jumped and aimed his wand when the man, matter-a-fact stated, "Name… Sirius Black… The family all here," the man croaked out in a raspy voice, "Didn't much care for them, though, did ya?"
Before Sirius could even comprehend what the little man was saying, the man continued, "Says here your best mate is here, got here about fourteen years ago. You want to see him, or you want to just carry on alone?" the man gave Sirius a questioning look.
Sirius looked around confused, "am I  dead?" he asked.
. Course you're dead! Now the man looked back to his book, "do you want to see your mate or not  ?" the man finished without even looking up.
Sirius' face broke into a huge smile, "My friend," Sirius said as he clapped the short, pudgy man on the back, "I could think of no better person to spend eternity with."

Sirius was. a safe distance from Eugene, the gatekeeper. Sirius got James' attention and pointed towards Eugene, "Pygmy puff welcomed anyone today?"
James smiled, "Just a couple of normals, they were greeted by family."
That was the way it was if the passing was 'normal' and expected, the family were notified of the arrival. If it wasn't, then the person would have to have help from Eugene. Sirius dropped on the ground beside James, "Mate, what good is this doing? You can't change it, you can't see it coming, and you can't stop it. If Harry comes through, it is because he fought the fight that we knew he would."
James glared at his best friend, "That you and the rest knew, not that Lily and I knew," James stressed the word not, "We fought and died thinking we prevented him facing any of it,
Sirius nodded, "I know, we go over this at least once a month. But James, if Harry does cross, don't you think that you and Lilly will be the first people he wants to see? So you would be contacted almost as soon as you would if you were right here."
James stood as he glanced toward Eugene and that portal, "I know, I just want him to know I am sorry and ask for forgiveness."
Sirius grinned, "I know Harry a bit more than you, and there will be no need for any of that."
As they were deciding just where to go, a light flashed and Eugene jumped to his post, throwing open the book. James gripped Sirius' arm and they both watched.
The person to step through was none other than Albus Dumbledore. He brushed off his robes, checked his hat, pushed his half-moon glasses onto his nose, all before turning to Eugene, "Ah, I see I have made it at last… would you be so kind as to inform my family."
James and Sirius ran to greet him, Dumbledore smiled to Eugene, "No need, no need… seems I have a welcoming committee here already."
The questions started hitting Dumbledore as if he were caught in a hailstorm of owls. Dumbledore was able to quieten James and Sirius after several minutes. "My dear friends, it has been so long since we have spoken, but indulge an old man and let us allow that to continue for just a few moments longer, for I would love to look on their faces of my friends."
Dumbledore looked for a long moment at James; Lilly was suddenly at James' side. Dumbledore smiled at her as he drew her into an embrace.
"Harry is fine, when I left him he was still under my spell to keep him out of trouble." Dumbledore's eyes shadowed, "But I guess if I am here, he is no longer under that spell."
All four of them turned to look at the portal. After a bit, Lily turned to Dumbledore, "What happen?
Dumbledore smiled, " my own selfish need for forgiveness made a fool out of me."
James gave Dumbledore a sceptical look, "If I had to guess, I would bet you are being harder on yourself than anyone else would be."
"You flatter this old man, but yes, it was foolish and selfish to the point of costing me my life." Dumbledore looked around, "Or should I say, the life I had."
  "So what did you do, ground someone you shouldn't have?" said Sirius
Both James and Lily gave Sirius a quelling look, but Dumbledore merely laughed.
he turned to James, "I am at a disadvantage here, might I know if this is it or are there homes we may go to? I do think there is much that needs discussing."
"Oh, so we get to become the teachers here," James said with a smile, "Magic works here much the same as it did in that life, but the difference is that we are all wizards here, no muggles to worry about seeing us."
This had a strange effect on Dumbledore, "That is concerning."
Before anyone could ask what he meant he continued, "So where is it that you live, is this a simple mirror of the world as we knew it?"
… we have Godric's Hollow and we have our home… but it is empty without our whole family," Lily quickly turned Dumbledore, "Of course I don't want Harry to die... "
Dumbledore joined her, reaching for her hand, "You do not need to explain, of course, you miss your son. I have had the pleasure to know your son better than any other, and that is only due to your sacrifice."
Lily wiped a tear from her eye, "Perhaps once we get home you will tell us all that has to happen."
As they turned to leave Eugene called out, " professor Dumbledore, your portrait is ready."
Dumbledore turned questioningly, "I'm sorry?"
"Your portrait, the painting, your connection to the other world... "Eugene sneered, "Did you think all them hanging in yer office was just paintings?"
"Well, yes, I did… but now that I think about it, it does seem that there are simple moving portraits and portraits that are able to carry on conversations."
Eugene shook his head,
Dumbledore looked to James,

After thanking Eugene, Dumbledore took his portrait then  James, Lily, and Sirius disapparated with him to Godric's Hollow. As soon as they were standing in front of the Potter's home Dumbledore turned around looking at the small town.
"I have not been here for many years. Do you suppose my family are here?" Dumbledore asked as if it were just a passing thought.
Lily gently laid a hand on his arm, "Yes, they are looking forward to the day you  arrive, both you and Aberforth." Lily turned Dumbledore to face her, she was surprised to see tears in his eyes. "And there is no anger, no fear, no hate. We have all discussed our past lives, and we all know that this is a new life and should not hold onto resentments."

Dumbledore took a tentative step toward his childhood home, but turned back to James, "I do not mean this as it is going to sound, but I thought that once one died that ageing would stop, but…" Dumbledore left the question fade off
James grinned, "And Lily and I have aged? Yes, we have… I don't know all the answers, I don't know where we are, but this is not heaven or hell, but a type of waiting place . That is the best I can say."
Lily glanced over James' shoulder, "Ariana has grown into an amazing woman, with no more fear of her own magical abilities."
Dumbledore's face broke into a beautiful smile, "Then I shall go see them for myself."
It was several hours before Dumbledore returned, and several more before he had filled James, Lily, and Sirius in on the last year. When Dumbledore explained that Draco had been the one that Voldemort wanted to deliver the death blow, Lily gasped.
"But even if he is a Malfoy, he is still just a boy!?" Lily said in horror.
Dumbledore nodded, but James shook his head, "Voldemort has never cared, why would he change now."
Dumbledore explained how he and Harry had spent many hours going through memories in the pensive, and even how Harry had managed to get the long sought after memory from Horace Slughorn. Once he reached the part of the story about the Horcruxes Dumbledore began to falter. "I fear the rest of this story may be a bit to your disliking," Dumbledore said quietly.
James waved his hand to gesture Dumbledore to continue.
Dumbledore smiled and nodded as he continued, Sirius knew of the prophecy in Ministry of Magic and that Voldemort would do anything to obtain it. "That is the night you died," Dumbledore said to Sirius, but Sirius simply nodded waiting for the story to continue, "But no one, other than myself, knew what the full prophecy contained. That prophecy was overheard by Severus, and he went to Voldemort with only part of the information."
Both James and Lily jumped to their feet, "Snivellus had a hand in our death?!" James roared.
Dumbledore was ready for this, and explained to them, the same as he had Harry. He explained that Severus had no way of knowing that Voldemort would think that it was James and Lily. Dumbledore also explained that that event was what ensured Severus would be loyal to Dumbledore until Voldemort was killed.
Lily waved her wand and a small teapot adorned with an intricate floral design began to steam. Lily poured each of them some tea, as she set the tea down she took up her own cup, softly blowing on it.
"Professor, could you tell me something? If Severus loved the dark arts all his life, why would he turn from that simply because we were killed?"
James answered first, "Because he always loved you," he said in a monotone voice.
Dumbledore nodded, "Yes, that never changed, never dimmed in all the years I knew him."
Sirius gave a sarcastic laugh, "So that would explain the wonderful treatment Harry always received from Snivellus."
Dumbledore held up his hand, "It would not, but his hatred of the past with both you and James would. Had Harry been fathered by any other, perhaps the outcome would have been different. But alas, life plays out how it does, and we are merely pawns."
Lily took James' hand, "We would not have changed a thing, I would give my life over and over. I, unlike my husband and friend, do not hate Severus, but I do not trust him after what Sirius told us, and now you tell us about his part in the prophecy; I don't think I will ever trust him."
Dumbledore looked out the window of the kitchen, noticing the tire swing gently swaying in the wind. He took a deep breath, "I guess it has come the time that I tell you the rest of the story, I do request that you hear me out… let me finish the whole story and give my reasons for what I choose to do."
James and Sirius nodded begrudgingly, but Lily smirked, "Not a chance, if I have questions, I will ask them," her look was resolute.
Dumbledore gave the softest of nods, "I guess I should not expect you to not ask when it is your son's life that we are discussing."
Dumbledore talked well into the night, being stopped repeatedly by, not just Lily, but all three. Dumbledore finally got to the last year, how he had found the second of the Horcruxes and had put it on, thus causing a curse that would eventually lead to his death. Dumbledore told how he had decided that Snape would be the one that delivered the killing curse known as avada Kadabra, instead of Draco Malfoy. Thus ensuring Snape's ability to stay close to Voldemort.
Dumbledore set his tea to the side, "Now I must confess what I believe is going to happen in the next year. I do not know how we will confirm or deny my beliefs, but as I have said in the past, I am not often wrong on these things."
Dumbledore looked to James and Lily, "I believe Harry will find the remaining Horcruxes, I hope with Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley's help, he will be able to destroy each. I have also given them means to locate the deathly hollows."
The shocked faces made Dumbledore smile, "James, you owned one of them, your invisibility cloak. I owned one, my wand, and the ring I spoke of, held the resurrection stone. I am hoping that Hermione will keep them on track, but also realise that Voldemort will soon find out about my wand."
Dumbledore held his current version of his old wand, "It does make one wonder just what actually does transfer?"
Dumbledore shook himself, "Back to the thoughts of the next year. Once Harry has destroyed all the Horcruxes… he will have to find out that he is also a Horcrux too, and as such must be destroyed before Voldemort can be killed."
The silence was deafening, even the curtains blowing in the breeze could be heard gently brushing the sill. Finally, James leant forward, "You want our son to kill himself?" James said in a deathly calm voice.
Dumbledore nodded sadly, "As I said, Harry will have to die, but if what I believe will happen, he will once more live. As for himself, and only himself," Dumbledore stated as if this was an obvious conclusion.
Lily tried to sound calm, "How do you plan on being sure this plan of yours is completed?"
"Severus Snape," Dumbledore said as if speaking to children, "I believe I have already said as much."
Sirius bound to his feet, knocking his chair over backwards, "Harry is as good as dead because you are a fool to trust that man!"
Dumbledore stood, "Once more, we must agree to disagree."
Lily walked Dumbledore to the door, "You must understand our confusion, not to mention James and Sirius' total lack of trust in Severus. I, however, know the real Severus Snape, and if you believe he is once more the boy I knew, I will trust you. I cannot say I trust Severus, but you… I do."
"I do, and I am also hoping to be able to contact Severus with that wonderful portrait I was given. If I am correct, by the time school is back in session, I believe Severus may have taken my position as headmaster."
Dumbledore leant in and whispered into Lily's ear, "Not to mention, Severus has a small portrait of me at his home, hidden away from prying eyes." Smiling he stepped into the open door, "The foolish man I was, I have been trying to teach my future portrait things for the past year, in hopes to help Severus."
Dumbledore disapparated and apparated just outside his family home. Ariana was cutting back rose bushes when she saw Dumbledore staring, she smiled and went to him.
"My dear brother, will you be like this always? You act as if I am going to float away on some breeze."
Ariana wrapped her arm around Dumbledore's, "Tell me what you are thinking?"
With a gentle laugh, Dumbledore leant his head on her head as they walked up the stone walkway, "You will think me a fool, but the only thing that has me partially believing this is possible is the idea that you, my dear little sister, have aged."
"Well, your past life certainly did not teach you manners," Ariana said with a hint of laughter.
"Oh no, that was the best compliment I could pay. I lived my life at the thought of you losing yours so early, and it was my…"
"You stop that!" Ariana had pulled to a stop and looked sternly at Dumbledore, "Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, don't you ever utter those words to me!"
The look in Ariana's eyes was not one to contend with, Dumbledore, himself, remembered that look on his mother's face during their father's trial. Of course, that really was a lifetime ago. He held up his hands in defeat, "I will promise not to say it, but I have carried this for a very long time, it will take some time to absolve myself as well."
Dumbledore turned away from Ariana, watching a couple of garden gnomes, "Is he here too?"
He didn't need to say who, Ariana knew that Dumbledore was asking if Gellert Grindelwald was there. He was the other boy that was there the day of her death. "No, well, not here, here… I am assuming he has passed that life, or you would not be asking, but no, he has not been here."
"I had him imprisoned, but was never told if he had died or not, and did not ask," Dumbledore said softly.
Ariana plucked a purple flower from the side of the walk and put it behind Dumbledore's ear, "Alby, don't you think we could leave what is past, in the past? We have a chance to have a life together again, I should think that would be the part we focus on?"
At the sound of his childhood nickname, Dumbledore's resolve broke, tears spilt down his face, "I am just so scared that this truly is a dream and will simply vanish."
Ariana pulled him into a hug, "Then we must love as if that were true, and appreciate all we have today."
The next week was spent with many that heard that Dumbledore had arrived, each exclaiming their fear for the future of that world without Dumbledore there. But he was the first to explain that there were much greater than himself still there. Sirius had heard the line so often that he heard it in his sleep, 'Power is measured much more in heart than in skill'
Sirius thought Dumbledore no more believed that than anyone else, but it seemed to placate them. Not Sirius though, he was still angry over Harry's safety being dependent on Snape. He had raged with James until Lily told them she would not hear another word. That Harry would be fine and she trusted Dumbledore, she also made sure they both understood that how Snape turned out was largely due to their treatment of him.
There were several times that Sirius would throw out ideas of how to contact Harry themselves. Each time James would point out the flaw in the idea. After several ideas, James patiently pointed out that he and Lily had been there a lot longer and had obviously tried everything possible to look out for their son. After that, Sirius backed off some and spent time sulking.
However, Dumbledore had been spending his time in training. It was not something Dumbledore had ever thought would happen again. It had only been a few days he had spent with family when there was a knock at the door. Dumbledore opened the door to a very familiar face. The man stood in a velvet robe, the colour of worn leather, a tall green hat, and leant on a walking stick. The man's face was wrinkled with time, but his eyes were alight with life. "Albus, my name is.."
Before the man could finish Dumbledore shook his head as he waved the man in, "No need, no need at all! Fytherley, I have had consoled with you many times. Come in my friend."
Fytherley Undercliffe had been a Hogwarts Headmaster in the sixteenth century, and his portrait still hangs in the headmaster's office.
"Please sit… Forgive me, my friend, I do not know why I never thought to look for the others."
Fytherley held up his hand, "No forgiveness is needed, and I am not here simply on a social call. I am here to teach you the laws of our portraits." He looked toward the rest of the house, "Are we alone, or may we take a walk?"
Dumbledore stood, "My mother is in the garden and could return, we can walk."
After several minutes walking down the trail, Fytherley began explaining what Dumbledore needed to know to keep the secret of the paintings.
Fytherley sat under an oak tree that looked over a lovely meadow, "Have you noticed the landscape changes to each person's mood?" he asked as he watched the tall grass sway in the wind.
Dumbledore looked to the meadow, "I have not… that is both lovely and interesting. How is it that it decides when two or more are together?"
"It seems to be first focused, first accepted. It looks like your mind may be just a bit scattered as of late, I normally am the one that loses my meadow to whomever I am with."
After walking to the edge of the meadow to enjoy the sight, Dumbledore turned to his friend, "Does anyone know who controls this place?" Dumbledore couldn't hide the concern in his voice.
Fytherley patted the ground, "My friend, sit, please… I have been here for far too long to be worried about trickery, I understand the fear when you led the life you did. For that, I am very sorry. This is the afterlife that we always wanted, but never dreamed would be here. We all thought it was similar to the Christian beliefs, but that is not the truth of it."
After looking to the meadow for several minutes Dumbledore turned and joined Fytherley, "My friend when I arrived my hand was healed, why is it you still need that cane?"
Laughter filled the air, "There are two reasons, one I will tell you when we go over the portraits, the other is simply habit I enjoy."
Dumbledore cocked an eyebrow, "So when does this training begin?"
"Now, we will begin with giving some basic rules...
· Each painting has a set painted background, so there is no need to worry of where or when you are contacted.
· There is a painted double that occupies the painting
· You will hear the call and regardless of what is going on, you will answer
· Once contacted you will use A lovo to activate the portrait.
· If you have several portraits in the other world you will expect to help wherever you are contacted
· You are not allowed to give any information about this world or anyone here
· You must be alone while the portrait is active.
· You will not give this information to any others here
· Everyone knows of the portraits, they just don't know the operations of them. They are solely meant to help, not as a way to remain in that world and contacted to your loved ones.
· You will have any artefact, such as my cane, with you as to not raise suspicion.
These are the basics, the first few times you will contact the other world with me, each in our own portrait. This will allow you to feel comfortable, and become accustomed to the rules."
Dumbledore listened, each rule made sense, had he known of this world would he have become the man he was? If he knew Ariana and the rest of his family were here safe, would he have even stayed in that world willingly? He wasn't so sure he knew that answer.
There were a few days of practice before Fytherley announced that Dumbledore was ready to contact the living. Dumbledore bent his head in a slight nod, "Thank you for continuing to train me into this life, I shall endeavour to make you proud."
Fytherley laughed, "Do not be so sure you are ready, your first contact will be hard. You must be sure you are ready."
Dumbledore nodded again, "I am sure most contacts will be hard."
Fytherley stepped back to allow for his own portrait to contain only him before he nodded. Dumbledore suddenly stepped back, "One moment"
Fytherley turned, "What is it? Are you not ready?"
"No, No, it isn't that, I am curious. What is the purpose of the portrait I received the day I arrived?"
Laughter rang out, "Oh that is merely symbolic, it was decided long before I arrived that to shackle one to a painting, even one as wondrous as ours, was wrong. They created the connection, spells, and appearances to allow us to have an afterlife, so to speak."
Dumbledore smiled broadly, "Very wise," he stepped back in place, as did Fytherley, "Shall we begin?"
As Dumbledore said A lovo he saw his office, and sitting behind the desk was Minerva McGonagall. "Minerva…" Dumbledore spoke before he realised he would. Professor McGonagall looked up to the door but saw no one. She shook her head and laughed. Soon she turned to Dumbledore's portrait, "I miss you, my old friend."
Dumbledore knew the rules but longed to tell his friend that it was him, "I am here now, I will help as I can."
McGonagall smiled sadly, "I am lost, I know you want the school open, I know you want students here, but I do not think Mr Potter, nor his friends will be returning. Worse, I believe I am not long for this position, I fear your killer will replace me."
She walked from the portrait and looked out over Hogwarts grounds. Dumbledore sat in his chair and called to her, "Hogwarts will stay open, of that I have no doubt. I do fear what will be taught if things continue as I believed they would." He made sure to use the past tense as to seem as if he didn't know anything more than the moment he died. But, that was more than he had shared with anyone, so this portrait thing could become easy.
McGonagall seemed to accept the words and walked out of the office. As soon as she did Dumbledore said "Bylose," and the connection ended. He looked to Fytherley, "That was a bit harder than I assumed, my apologies for treating you as merely a painting."
"If that is how you are treated; you have done you service well. I take it as a great compliment that one as open-minded, and intelligent as you, didn't notice. I have truly reach master."
Dumbledore cocked an eyebrow, "Has any ever been detected, or given themselves away?"
"We do not speak of the failures here, we speak only of success and today was a success. It will get harder I am sure, but I also know that in time you will also understand the need for this, and it's secrecy."
Dumbledore relaxed against the oak tree, once more they were in Fytherley's landscape. "I have another issue I would like to find out. How is it others have aged but you seem to have remained the same? I have also noticed that not many here are… shall we say, older."
Fytherley laughed, "As to myself since we are headmasters, we will not age due to the portrait's magic. As to others our age, well, there are not many that have unresolved issues. Once all issues and connections are done, you move on." Fytherley held up a hand, "I can no more answer to where that I could have told you of this place's existence prior to arrival."
A frown crossed Dumbledore's face, "So once more I have hindered Ariana and my family." This was not a question, but Fytherley answered it anyway, "Yes, and no, Ariana is here because she chooses to remain due to her own attachments. She wanted to see both her brothers again, and know them. This has prevented her, but she does not see it as prevention, but blessing."
Dumbledore looked to the sunset, "She really is the best part of all of us."
It was early July the next time Dumbledore came to the Potter's home. Lily greeted his with a bit of an admonishment, "I would have thought that death would allow you a bit of down time."
Dumbledore nodded, "Of course one would think that, but as always, time controls more than we care to admit." He walked to the living room and sat on the overstuffed chair, "Lily, could I trouble you for tea, and also ask you and James to hear out a plan I have?"
"Of course," Lily waved her wand toward the kitchen, before calling out, "James, Sirius, you two come in here, Dumbledore needs to talk!"
Sirius looked to James, "You think he has a plan?"
"Well, we said we would give him till Harry's birthday, so let's hope he has something now and prays it is good news."
Dumbledore had the distinct feeling of being back at Hogwarts when James and Sirius rushed out of the front gates at the end of the school year. Both men rushed in and sat on the edge of the chairs, both staring at Dumbledore. Lily was the one that broke that spell, "For goodness sake, sit back, this is a plan to save our son, NOT Christmas!" Lily had a tone that told everyone that this was to be taken very seriously.
James looked to Lily, "In no way would I treat this as a lark, or one of our excursions. It is our son's life; it is the life of many of our friends. If it came across any other way, I apologise."
Lily leant over kissing James as she sat down, "Apology accepted," she said softly, then turned to Dumbledore. "Whenever you are ready, sir," as she poured out the tea.
Dumbledore gave a very slight nod, with a hint of a smile, "As you all know, in my last life I worked closely with and trusted Severus and since finding out about the portraits, I have been in contact with him. I have come up with an idea on how to get Harry out of your sister's home, but I would like to get your thoughts on this."
He waited about a minute for either Sirius or James to explode at the thought of trusting Severus. When they just sat looking at him, Dumbledore gave a silent thank you to Lily. "I think Severus will have to give Voldemort the correct date of Harry's departure from his aunt and uncle's," said Dumbledore. "Not to do so will raise suspicion, when Voldemort believes him so well informed."
Dumbledore held up his hand to James to allow him to continue before interrupting, "I think we should give the correct date, but not the correct time. If we could allow them to know perhaps thirty minutes after the true departure, then once they arrive they would chase merely a decoy that has taken poly juice potion." Dumbledore sat back looking at all three, "Would you like a moment to think it through, to find flaws?"
James looked concerned, "This decoy would surely die?"
"I am afraid that is a high probability."
"No," James stated flatly, "We know that death is not the end, but it is unfair to make plans for that world because of the knowledge we have here. You may not have feared death, but most do."
"That isn't the only problem either," Sirius said, "There is also the problem that once the ruse is found out, at midnight you will have every death eater at the doorstep, and that would be the death of those miserable muggles," Sirius shrugged, "No big loss but it is still Lily's sister and her family. I don't think she wants her killed."
Lily gave a small, mischievous smile, "I think you should have Severus relocate my sweet sister, and follow the idea of the poly juice potion, however, instead of one decoy, use several, and give the correct date and time, including Harry with the decoys."
"If Severus killed you, how exactly are you going to have him deliver this plan to the Order?" James questioned.
Sirius mirrored Lily's smile, "Try confounding Mundungus Fletcher, he will be easy to manipulate, measly little vermin usually are."
Dumbledore steepled his fingers, looking out the window, "that is a very ingenious, with just a few tweaks that plan could work very well, perhaps even discredit the ministry if we allow them to believe one date. They would pass that to Voldemort, he does so hate being misinformed."
Everyone in the room now had the same concerned looks, but it was Sirius that said what they were all thinking, "More than likely this will also cause a death, and we will be showing another friend around this world," he said morosely.
"Yes, but not so assuredly as the plan I had," Dumbledore allowed.
Lily rose to fill the tea cups but had the look of concern etched on her face, "Your plan would have surely cost one life, but this plan could cost so much more. Are we sure we thought this through? Are we willing to say we brought death to our friend's door?"
Dumbledore took the teapot and as he set it on the table he stood, taking Lily's hands, "There was once a time I would say no, but that time is done. Voldemort will destroy everyone we love; everyone we know to be good. We, as Order members, were all willing to die for this. Once any member of the Order crosses my portrait I will know it, and I will contact them. Minerva cannot know of this plan, nor any of the plans in the Order. If I am correct, it will be soon that she will be overcome with just keeping the children safe at school."
Once Dumbledore sat again and was sipping on his tea, Sirius leant forward, "How will you know if they pass your portrait, is there a bell or something? Can you hear them?"
"No bell, but yes, if they call, I will hear it. However, each of the portraits hang in prominent locations, along with more portraits, I have asked them to watch and alert me."
Sirius cocked an eyebrow, "what makes you think they will be in their portrait?"
"These are actual paintings, they will be there, it is their life," a look a melancholy passed Dumbledore's eyes, "I dreaded that moment when I ceased to be myself and became a mere painting. I have regrets on the treatment of portraits now."
Lily sat on the arm of the chair and gave Dumbledore a sideways hug, "We all had regrets, and we each thought those were left to the living, but alas, we have more."
Nodding knowingly, Dumbledore smiled as he stood, "I do believe I have to start making some plans. If any of you think of more, please let me know." Turning just as he reached the door, "I have been here almost two weeks, but just thought, are there owls here for an owl post?"
James joined him at the door, "Yes, but they are free, you just need to call out to one. We have befriended Obnoxious," James stepped out of the door calling, "Obnoxious!"
A large tawny barn owl swooped down to land on the porch railing, James stepped out to pet it, "Obnoxious, this is Dumbledore, he would like you to help him here too if you wouldn't mind."
The owl hopped from foot to foot surveying Dumbledore before hooting and flying away. Dumbledore laughed, "I feel as if I were just put through the sorting ceremony again." Shaking his head, laughing, Dumbledore headed off to his home.
